You may have already seen that I have been creating printable colouring pages which you can download for free. I wanted to do something to help people in these challenging times and thought that colouring sheets would be a fun activity to occupy children (and adults!) while staying safe at home. Creativity is also a great way to deal with stress and give your mind a break from all the worrying thoughts that may be running around your head, particularly at the moment.
I want to do more though. While many of us are doing our bit by staying at home, following guidance from the government, there are many people working in key roles or volunteering. They work in schools, care homes, grocery shops, deliver our post and continue to provide emergency services to name but a few. The people truly on the front line are the NHS workers; doctors, nurses and all the support staff who are essential to keep our hospitals running. I recently watched a news report from an intensive care unit in a hospital where they were caring for coronavirus patients. It was distressing to watch, but I felt it was important to understand what was going on. The NHS are doing an amazing job, in such difficult cirumstances. In return, we can support them. The NHS Charities Together COVID-19 Urgent Appeal has been set up to support NHS staff, volunteers and patients impacted by COVID-19. Donations to the charity could help in many ways, such as funding well-being packs, supporting isolated patients and provide longer term mental health support for staff, volunteers, patients and their families.
The fundraising page which I set up has now closed, however you can still support NHS Charities Together by donating directly to them here.
The colouring pages I design and make available for you to download are free, but I would ask you to consider making a donation to the charity when you download them. It is completely up to you how much you would like to donate - if everyone donates even just a small amount it would all add up! If you are not able to make a donation that's ok, you can still download the colouring pages but if you could share this post with your family and friends that would be fantastic.
Thank you! Stay safe and stay healthy everyone. x
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My colouring pages for you to download, print and colour
Thank You NHS!

I drew this poster to thank everyone working in the NHS during this crisis. You could colour it in and put it in your window to show your gratitude to all those working to care for others!
The sheet is available in both A4 and letter size pages as well as JPG and PDF formats, so you can choose whichever one suits you best to download and print.
** Please note: this free printable is for personal use only! You can print it as many times as you like for your own personal use, but you may not redistribute it in any form or modify it or claim it as your own. If you would like to share the colouring page with your friends, on your blog/ Pinterest etc. please include a link back to this page (not the download link). Thank you!
Butterflies and Flowers

Click here to go to the page to download the butterflies and flowers themed colouring page.
Rockets in Space

Click here to go to the page to download the butterflies and flowers themed colouring page.
I will be creating more colouring pages in the coming weeks, so check back here for updates to the list!
I would love to see how you colour your pages in - leave a comment below, or if you share your pictures on Instagram or Facebook tag me @hazelfishercreations or use #myhfcmakes
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