
Saturday 16 April 2016

Things I love about Spring

Things I Love About Spring, blossom -hazelfishercreations
Earlier this week the weather was so lovely and warm, I took the opportunity to get outside and take some photos.  The weather is so changeable though - today it feels much more like winter again!
Spring is my favourite time of year, I thought I would share some of my recent photos and the reasons why I love Spring...

More daylight - the days are now longer than the nights and each evening the sun is setting later and later.  I always think my mood is lifted so much by blue sky and sunshine, but just having more daylight, even on a rainy day, makes me feel better.

Things I Love About Spring, bluebells in my garden -hazelfishercreations
Warmer weather - the sun has more warmth in it now and it's nice to start going outside without thick coats and scarves.  Spring warmth is just right, before it gets too hot in summer!

Spring bulbs - I love seeing everything starting to grow and gardens becoming more colourful with all the Spring bulbs.  There are still daffodils about and the tulips and bluebells have just started appearing.

Things I Love About Spring, spring bulbs tulip -hazelfishercreations
Blossom - a tree full of blossom is so beautiful!  It doesn't seem to last long, but it's nice seeing the different types of trees blossoming at different times.  The pear blossom in my garden is just starting the appear and I'm hoping that my cherry tree will have more than last year (about 4 flowers!).

Things I Love About Spring, blossom -hazelfishercreations
Gardening - now the weather is improving and things are growing, it inspires me to get out in my garden more.  I love watching things grow, caring for the plants and learning how to grow new things. It's time to sow all the seeds for summer flowers and crops too.

Things I Love About Spring, forsythia flower -hazelfishercreations
Birds - another sign of Spring is hearing the birds singing and watching them build nests in the garden.

My birthday - having a birthday in April is also a reason why I like Spring! This is the cute cake my Mum and sister made for me...

Things I Love About Spring, birthday cake -hazelfishercreations
What do you like about Spring?  Is it your favourite season too?

Things I Love About Spring, iris flower - hazelfishercreations

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