
Monday 15 February 2016

Spoonflower Contest - Limited Colour Palette Grey, Cream, Cucumber and Peach

Spoonflower contest Limited Colour Palette Grey, Cream, Cucumber and Peach, surface pattern design by hazelfishercreations
It's National Wedding Month, so the colours for this week's Spoonflower Limited Colour Palette contest were inspired by popular wedding colours; grey, cream, cucumber and peach (white and black were also allowed).  Designs for the contest didn't have to be wedding themed, but I decided to create something based on hearts.  I sketched ideas with patterned hearts and floral and leaf motifs before coming up with the design above.  Although I started with pen line drawings for all of the shapes, I didn't want to have outlines for everything in the finished design so played around with changing the colours of the lines / filled in colour.  I like the way the lighter colours of the flowers and leaves contrast against the darker grey background.

Spoonflower contest Limited Colour Palette Grey, Cream, Cucumber and Peach, sketchbook work in progress by hazelfishercreations
As always, you can see all of the other entries and vote for your favourites over on Spoonflower - this appears to have been a popular contest with over 500 entries!

PS You can also see the results of the Interspecies Animal Friends contest on Spoonflower's blog - I love the cute winning design by Innamoreva!  My Cats and Birds - Friends Forever design came 68th with 145 votes - thank you if you voted for it!

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