
Monday 8 February 2016

Spoonflower Contest - Interspecies Animal Friendships

Spoonflower Contest entry Interspecies Animal Friends Cats and Birds - Friends Forever hazelfishercreations
This week's Spoonflower contest is 'Interspecies Animal Friendships'; a theme which could have so many combinations of animals!  I decided to create a design focused on cats and birds, just because I like cats and birds really. :)  You can see below some of my work in progress, where I started with pencil drawings in my sketchbook, which became pen line drawings.  These were then turned into vector art and I finished the design digitally.  I wanted to experiment with flatter colour this time as well as changing the colours of my line drawings.

Spoonflower Contest entry Interspecies Animal Friends wip - hazelfishercreationsThere are lots of cute designs entered in this week's contest; you can see them all here (and vote for your favourites too!)...

PS. Thank you if you voted for my Year of the Monkey design a couple of weeks ago - it came 43rd out of 252 entries with 141 votes.  I received a test swatch of it last week on Spoonflower's new Cotton Spandex Jersey, which means you can now buy my Year of the Monkey design on fabric, gift wrap and wallpaper.  I was impressed with the new Cotton Spandex Jersey fabric too.  It's a lovely soft and stretchy fabric, I think it would be great for making t-shirts and comfy clothing!

Spoonflower fabric design Year of the Monkey test swatch hazelfishercreations

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