
Monday 1 February 2016

Colour Inspiration #24: Pink Threads

Colour Palette Inspiration No.24 Pink Threads hazelfishercreations
I wanted to do a colour inspiration post today; something bright and happy!  I thought as it is now February, and almost Valentine's Day, I would go for a pink theme so started hunting for pink objects around the room... I then remembered by lovely drawers filled with threads and thought they would be perfect for this post.  In the top corner of this photo you can just see a peek of the purples that live next to the pinks in this drawer.  There's something wonderful about seeing colours organised, they look so pretty together.  It reminds me of when I used to have a Saturday job working in a craft shop - it was one of my favourite jobs restocking the pretty threads and yarns, seeing the huge range of colours they came in! :)

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