
Thursday 5 April 2012

My little helper...

Why is it that some days never seem to go right?  I spent most of yesterday watching over a sick budgie - Charlie has injured his leg and couldn't sit on his perch properly :(
He had a trip to the vet and some pain killers and spent the night apart from his friend Bobby so he could get some rest.  He seems calmer today and we're keeping a close eye on him.  As he has not eaten much we are hand feeding him too.  Hopefully he will feel better with some rest.

Charlie's friend Bobby is far from calm today though - she's going mad trying to see Charlie in the other cage!  She even managed to escape by pushing the lid off the seed pot and climbed out!  Here she's come to help me at my desk... :)
Somehow I don't think having Bobby on my desk will make today more productive though!

I've been meaning to post a picture of these too - my latest batch of Moo cards :)  Folksy and Moo have an offer of a pack of 50 free cards - you just pay postage and packing and the cards come with the Folksy logo on.

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