
Thursday 12 April 2012

Colourful patterns

I've been enjoying playing with shapes and colours to make new patterns for sets of printable scrapbooking papers.  Looking for inspiration I'm starting to see patterns everywhere - I've even found myself staring at the wallpaper on tv shows!
Following on from my original sets based on spirograph patterns (Myrtle and Carolina) I have 4 more colourways ready for release: Rose, Saffron, Lavender and Scarlet...
Each set contains a slightly different combination of designs with spirograph patterns mixed with spots and stripes.
I used an old Spirograph set to draw some shapes which I then scanned and used to make the patterned papers.  Did you know that technically the shapes made by the spirograph are actually called hypotrochoids and epitrochoids?  There are lots of complicated equations for the shapes.  Basically hypotrochoids are drawn with the wheel inside the ring and epitrochoids are drawn with the wheel outside the ring (the shapes in my patterns are hypotrochoids). 
These sets of papers are available to buy from my Etsy supplies shop:
I'm happy to make custom sets too - so if you like the patterns but would like them in another colour please let me know!

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