
Monday 16 January 2012

Technical problems...

Unfortunately my plan for regular blogging hasn't been going so well :(  Last Monday started ok and I was being quite productive working on my laptop.  Then I left the room for 10 minutes and when I came back the laptop screen was black and wouldn't come on again.  With a lot of help from my Dad we eventually managed to save the files which weren't already backed up but we couldn't fix the laptop.
I had been thinking of getting a new computer this year - just not quite yet!  All of last week was spent researching computers and learning about processors, graphics cards etc.... Finally I came to a decision and bought a shiny new computer.  It's a desktop this time (my poor old laptop hardly left my desk anyway), with a bigger screen and much more memory. 
I think it's going to be a while before I've learnt how to work everything and finished setting everything up but it will be good to get on top of things again this week!

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