
Monday 5 December 2011

Parsnip, Carrot and Broccoli Quiche

I thought I would do something different today and share a recipe for a quiche we made last week.  It's a parsnip, carrot and broccoli quiche - we were using up some left over vegetables but you could try other vegetables or meat in the quiche too.

Make 8oz short pastry...
200g/ 8oz plain flour
pinch salt
50g / 2oz lard
50g/ 2oz margarine
about 30ml / 2 tbsp cold water
Mix the flour and salt then rub in the fat.  Using a knife to cut and stir, mix in the water to form a stiff paste.  Turn onto a floured board and roll out.  Line a 9 inch dish with the pastry.

For the filling...
Carrot, parsnip, broccoli
2 eggs
125ml/ 1/4pt milk
salt and pepper
Thinly slice the parsnip and carrot and cut up the broccoli into small pieces.  Boil the vegetables for a couple of minutes to partly cook them.
Place the vegetables in the pastry case.  Beat the eggs and milk, season and pour over the vegetables.  Cover with grated cheese.
Bake in a oven 190C/ 375F/ Gas mark 5 until set and golden brown - about 40 minutes.

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