
Wednesday 2 November 2011

Getting Crafty for Fayres!

Recently I've been busy getting ready for a couple of craft fayres - the first is on this Saturday 5th November.  It's the Green Fair in Lion Walk Church, Colchester and will be open 10am - 4pm.  I've never been to the Green Fair before but heard that it was really good last year.  There will be craft stalls, charity stalls, green groups, live music, refreshments and children's craft activities - I'm really looking forward to it!

I'm also working hard on preparing for the craft fayre that I am organising at the end of November.  It's all starting to come together now although I still have lots to do!  I keep coming up with new ideas for things to make for my own stall too - as if I don't have enough to do already!

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