
Saturday 21 May 2011

Spring time

This is my favourite time of year - warm sunny weather and everything in the garden is growing (although we could do with a bit more rain as there's been hardly any for months).

The nest box in our garden is home to a family of blue tits.  The parents are working hard, in and out of the box every few seconds feeding the babies - no wonder they look a bit scruffy!
And the babies are getting bigger (and bolder) - if you look carefully you can just see one baby peeping out of the hole in the box... I hope that I'm around to see when they finally fly the nest :)
A couple more photos from my garden of the growing fruit... pears and strawberries...

1 comment:

  1. I see that I'm not the only one who loves watching Blue Tits helping their babies hatch and leave the nest.. as well as gardening! Your last picture of the strawberry.. is impressive!!!
