
Wednesday 29 September 2010

Craft Fayres

Organising the Creations Christmas Craft Fayre has been keeping me busy - the response I've had from people wanting to be stall holders has been amazing! The spaces are now fully booked and there's a waiting list too - hopefully the day will go well and I can organise more events next year. The stallholders I've met/ emailed seem really nice so it will be great to meet everyone properly at the fayre in November... There's still a lot of work to do before then though with advertising, making posters etc I'm also going to make some bunting to decorate the hall - I've got the fabric and started cutting ... only 7 metres to make!!

I'll be going along to Colchester Crafters and having a stall again on Saturday. If you're in the area please do come along and say hello! It's in the Lion Walk Church Hall - opposite Boots/ New Look, there's a door to the stairs leading up to the hall behind Vision Express. There will be stalls with crafters selling their work, crafters are welcome to come along with things they are making - there will be tea and cake available too!

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